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Music for Lectures / Every word was once an animal
Kjøp billetter
19. oktober 2019 Kl. 21:00
Sted: Belgin
Kategori: Teater

Bandkveld om språk og gjentakelser.

Hva betyr det å gjøre noe om igjen? Kan man gjøre det samme og likevel forandre seg? I denne lavmælte forestillingen deler Mette Edvardsen betraktninger omkring språk og gjentakelser i sine egne arbeider – mens hun akkompagneres av live musikk. Music for Lectures er en serie laget sammen med Burrows og Fargion som søker å sammenknytte akademisk praksis og performance, og utforske hvordan ulike disipliner og personer beriker hverandre.


Tekst av Mette Edvardsen
Musikk av Jonathan Burrows, Matteo Fargion, Francesca Fargion
Mette Edvardsen er støttet av Norsk Kulturråd, BUDA Arts Centre Kortrijk, APAP network(EU),er stipendiat ved Kunsthøyskolen i Oslo og assosiert kunstner ved Black Box teater. 
Jonathan Burrows og Matteo Fargion er co-produsert av Kaaitheater Brussel, PACT Zollverein Essen, Sadler's Wells Theatre London og BIT Teatergarasjen Bergen.


Jonathan Burrows is a choreographer whose main focus is an ongoing body of pieces with the composer Matteo Fargion, with whom he continues to perform around the world. The two men are co-produced by Kaaitheater Brussels, PACT Zollverein Essen, Sadler's Wells Theatre London and BIT Teatergarasjen Bergen. His‘A Choreographer's Handbook’ has sold over 13,000 copies since its publication in 2010, and is available from Routledge Publishing. Burrows is currently a Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Dance Research, Coventry University.
The work of Mette Edvardsen is situated within the performing arts field as a choreographer and performer. Although some of her works explore other media or other formats, such as video, books and writing, her interest is always in their relationship to the performing arts as a practice and a situation. With a base in Brussels since 1996 she has worked for several years as a dancer and performer for a number of companies and projects, and develops her own work since 2002. She presents her works internationally and continues to develop projects with other artists, both as a collaborator and as a performer. A retrospective of her work was presented at Black Box theatre in Oslo in 2015. 
Mette Edvardsen is structurally supported by Norsk Kulturråd(2017-2020), BUDA Arts Centre Kortrijk(2017 - 2020) and apap-Performing Europe 2020 - a project co-funded by Creative Europe Programme of the European Union. She is currently a research fellow at Oslo National Academy of the Arts and associated artist at Black Box teater in Oslo. She is associated artist at centre chorégraphique national de Caen in Normandie(France) for the period 2019-2021.
Matteo Fargion studied composition with composers Kevin Volans and Howard Skempton. He has been a close collaborator of Jonathan Burrows for 28 years, sharing equally the conception, creation and performance of their work. He has also written extensively for other choreographers, most notably his long association with Siobhan Davies, and his recent collaboration with Norwegian artist Mette Edvardsen on her acclaimed piece'Oslo'. Fargion has also developed a composition workshop for dancers, which continues to be invited widely internationally.